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Hospital Change Management

Most hospitals approach operational improvement as something that should be tackled by the internal resources already in place in each departmental silo. They also expect each department to address their problems and come up with solutions within their budget. This might be right for daily operations and non-disruptive incremental improvements but…fatal when change must occur

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Why expansion is never the answer

As it has been shown time and time again, an Emergency Department that doubles its bed capacity never ends up seeing double the amount of patients before it requires another expansion. Why is that? The reason is simple. When a Hospital doubles ED physical capacity, it never doubles inpatient capacity nor doubles the number of

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Emilio Belavai MD, FAAEM

I’m a Hospital change management expert concentrating on patient flow process redesign and Hospital efficiency. In 2004 I founded a consulting firm called Medical Strategies & Management Systems (also known as MS2). Since then, I have helped many institutions achieve best-in-class impatient and ED operational performance

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